Here are some of the good old Deshi Ayurvedic pro tips to make ourselves Healthy and Fit-
#Tip-1– Wake up in Bhraami Muhurta (96 minutes before sun rise) – The level of nascent Oxygen is 40% at this time in the environment. The more one gets this Oxygen, the healthier are the tissues which helps in keeping an individual mentally active throughout the day.
#Tip-2- Yoga or physical exercises everyday Ayurveda states that exercise or physical activity reduces Kapha Dosha and Medha Dhatu which is responsible for Diabetes Mellitus and Blood Glucose related Ailments.
#Tip-3- Practise ‘ABHYANGA’ (Oil Application everyday) Remember the time when our moms used to force us to apply oil before bath Well it has an Ayurvedic connection. Ayurveda advises applying coconut or sesame oil in ‘Anulom gati’ (in hair direction) to face, scalp, ears and feet. This reduces subjective stress, Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate in pre-hypertensive subjects. We all loved that Jhapkki (Quick oil massage) by our Nani Well! Studies in Basket Ball players have proven that ABHYANGA does help in relaxing muscles.
#Tip-4- Practise ‘UDVARTANA’ Instead of chemically enriched soap, apply a mixture of Turmeric, Triphala, and Gram Flour in equal proportions before bathing. Remember the Haldi Ceremony in Marriages! Research on Udvartana has shown significant reduction in weight, body mass index, waist circumference, skin fold thickness, improved skin texture and a lot less stress- That’s easy.
#Tip-5- Practise ‘KAVALA GRAHA’ (Oil or hot water Gargling) Gargle daily with a spoonful of lukewarm coconut/sesame oil for few minutes until there is salivation. Instead of oil one can also use a glass of plain warm water. This helps in maintaining oral hygiene and reduction in microbial colony count. Also, you get a sweet voice.
#Tip-6- Stop ‘ADHYASANA’ Overeating due to greed is a strict NO. When we do, stomach wall stretches making us feel uneasy and lethargic, plus gluttony is a bad habit.
#Tip-7- Eating with ‘TANMANA’ (With Mindfulness and Gratitude) According to a study what we think while eating directly impacts our gut. Eating while watching TV is a no. Big reason for obesity and hypertension. The Cephalic phase begins when we see, smell and think about food and it happens when we are stable and are paying attention to the food.
#Tip-8- Eating ‘SHUNTHI’ (Fresh Ginger) with Rock Salt before meals Ginger with Rock salt acts as an excellent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea compound and an anti-cancer agent. Also acts as an effective deterrent to cold and cough.
#Tip-9- Drinking ‘USNODAKA’ (lukewarm) water after meals Water which is boiled and reduced in volume till it is halved is called ‘Usnodaka’. Studies have shown that drinking lukewarm water after meals increases metabolism and reduces obesity by 30%.
#Tip-10 Practise ‘LAMGHANA’ (Restrictive Fasting) Missing Dinner once in a week or two. Ayurveda states that Fasting helps in resetting our ‘AGNI’ (metabolism cycle). Studies have proven that intermittent fasting (fancy name by western dieticians) helps in improving cardiac strength, insulin levels and assists in healthy aging.
All these Deshi practises were already in use by our previous generations – Reason why they are stronger and in much better shape of health compared to newer generations. Our generation had a brain freeze while accepting these as they did not sound or look cool. Well nature had its own set of tricks to keep us grounded and rooted. With proactive campaigning and dynamic participation from both Government and Private players, Ayurveda is attaining global Limelight both in India and Abroad.